Welcoming Message
Welcome to SWYHKCS
San Wui Commercial Society YMCA of Hong Kong Christian School is a unique, caring and learning community which is characterised by its strong CARES principles as well as its blended curriculum which has the best of both worlds.
CARES principles are values which all YMCA schools adopt. CARES is an acronym which stands for - Christian Faith and Caring, Acts with Integrity, Respect for Oneself and Others, Enjoy Learning, and Serve with Love. These are the values on which all our teaching and learning are based. Students at the Christian School are expected to excel in CARES values and live them out daily in school and at home.
Our blended curriculum is based on the British National Curriculum and blended with the Hong Kong Chinese and Mathematics curricula. Students learn in a holistic and thematic way while continuing to be academically challenged in Chinese and Mathematics, maintaining high standards in these two competitive subjects.
In addition, at Christian School we put strong emphasis on developing non-academic interests. Our extensive in-timetable and after-school Extra-curricular Activities provide a wide range of interest classes and school teams for our students, satisfying their love of learning no matter if they are more musically inclined or sport-oriented.
With such an excellent and all-round combination of values, curriculum and ECA programme, we believe our students are placed in a highly advantageous position to become valuable global citizens in the future.