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Jacqueline Lui

Head of Native and Near Native Chinese

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, PGDE

我是雷老師,曾在一間國際學校和一間直資一條龍學校任教過。這是我在基信學校任教的第六年。在12年的教學生涯中,我教授過中文、常識、通識、生命價值教育科,我做過班主任、訓輔組的老師,以及中文科主任。我幫助過SEN的學生融入學校生活,協助學校重新審視教材,訓練過不少學生參加普通話朗誦比賽,有集誦,也有讀誦,並拿到不少獎項。 我是一個對教育很有熱誠的人,猶記得我大學畢業後便從事了一份發展前途不錯的工作,但教育小朋友是我的理想工作,於是我毅然轉職去教育工作。一直到現在,我對教育的熱誠依然不減,我會花心思去設計教學活動,務求讓學生在學習的過程中又開心又能學到知識。我認為愛的教育能夠改變一個人,身教比言教更為重要,希望能夠和大家一起努力,教育好下一代。

This is Ms. Lui. I have worked at an international school and a “through-train” Direct Subsidy School since 2010. Heading into my sixth year at SWCS YMCA of Hong Kong Christian School as a Native and Near Native Chinese Coordinator, I enjoyed helping student to adapt into meaningful school life. In the past 12 years, I have been taught at Chinese, General Studies, Liberal Studies, Life Value Education. I worked as a Class teacher, a counseling teacher, a Chinese coordinator, etc. I helped SEN students to integrate into school life, re-evaluated the Chinese Learning materials, trained students for individual and choral Putonghua speaking competitions, and resulting in different awards. Throughout my 12th year of teaching career, I have realized the importance of education and how it shapes my student’s academic and social life. My goal as a teacher is to develop meaningful curriculum and lesson so that my students can enjoy the learning experience. I strongly believe education with caring and love can change the individual and their families. As an advocate of “action speak louder than words”, I hope a better generation can be developed with effort from SWCS YMCA of Hong Kong Christian School Teachers.

Jacqueline Lui
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